Thursday, 8 January 2015

What is Credential Evaluation for Canada Immigration?

A great number of people, from across the globe, are immigrating to the country of “Honey and Milk”. Officially known as Canada, the much loved immigration hotspot is also known by various names, but no matter which name you call it by, the fact remains the same: it is one of the best immigration destinations amongst the developed countries that offer numerous and rewarding employment and business opportunities to immigrate.

While the paths leading you towards your dream country are many, credential evaluation under each category plays an important role. If the country (Canada) attracts you, then it is essential that you know the importance of credential evaluation for Canada immigration.

Credentials are duly appraised in order to judge the authenticity of your degree, diploma or a certificate, and if the education qualification is equivalent to the Canadian standard. Applicants who possess a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate, may not be required to go through the credential process.

Do you know what Credential Evaluation is?

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, you need to duly evaluate your credentials through a trusted authorized body. In case you have recently arrived in the country, it is advisable to start the evaluation process at the earliest. In order to join the thriving Canadian workforce under any regulated profession you may be required to have your professional or academic credentials suitably assessed. While you are still in your birth country, you may start the assessment of your credentials as per your specific convenience.

Beforehand determine if the chosen occupation is regulated

The official website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Job Bank help you determine if the chosen line-of-work is regulated or is non-regulated in the state/province you desire to live and work. If the selected vocation is regulated, the above stated official sites will indicate the appropriate provincial/territorial regulatory body for credential evaluation. Thereafter, you need to get in touch with the concerned authority in order to determine what necessary steps need to be taken. Pay extra attention to the information provided about the certification on the regulatory authorized website.

Have your credentials assessed

In order to have your credentials reviewed, get in touch with the authorized body and provide them with all required documents. The documents and process vary and are determined by the authorized regulatory body and depends largely on the province/territory and preferred occupation. Just in case your work is non-regulated, it is still advisable to get your credentials fittingly assessed because it will help your employer/job-provider to have a broader outlook of your education qualifications.

Credential evaluation for Canada immigration is an integral and important part but it does not assure you a job in your chosen field, or at the desired designation. However, your experience and education qualifications will be well recognized in the country, and you will be authorized to practice at your own will, in a regulated occupation.

The process includes organizing your documents; the authorized body for your occupation will require specific documents to prove their authenticity. Generally, you are required a attested copy of degree, diploma or certificate along with transcripts, translated either in English or French–the two national languages. The sanctioned organization will later specify if it requires any other necessary documents.

While you are still in your native country, you can easily collect the additional information from the official site of the CIC and it may help you understand the basic requirements in order to meet the requirements in your choosen occupation. It will further give you a broader outlook on what necessary steps you may take while you are still in your native nation.

Summing-up, credential evaluation for Canada immigration may be done through any authorized body. The official website of the CIC provides complete information on the credential assessment process.



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