Thursday, 29 January 2015

Canada Express Entry Program 2015 – 021 Managers In Engineering, Architecture, Science And Information Systems.

The Express Entry Program is just launched and it is very much helpful for the skilled and qualified managers to get immigration. Canada the place of opportunities is the dream of every person. Express Entry Program has made it easy to follow the dreams. The Managers in Engineering, architecture, science and information Systems comes under the code 021 in the occupation list of Express Entry Program.

The skill levels for these engineers are Management Occupations. There are three occupations in this group: first one is the Engineering managers which comes under the code 0211, then the second one is Architecture and Science Managers having code 0212 and the third and last group is called Information Systems and Data Processing Managers which is under the code 0213.

In the year 2012 the employment for managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems was 86,084. Then the median age of the skilled workers was 44 years. The average retirement age in the year 2012 was 60 years. During the years 2010 - 2012, the employment increased faster for this occupation group than for other occupation groups. The average hourly growth was same as the average of other occupations. The unemployment rate went down and was very slow. The wage of this occupation was one of the highest. The analysis of the labour market shows that the number of job seekers was sufficient enough to fulfil the job openings. Express Entry Program has made it easy to follow the dreams.

During the period of 2013 - 2022, this occupation will reach at the position of excess demand. For the post of Managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems, during the year 2013 - 2022 the number of job openings will be 42,667, while the number of job seekers will be 36,602. The job seekers will arise from immigration and mobility as well as school leavers. Thus the demand of Managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems is going to increase.

The calculations show that the demand and supply will be balanced in the labour market for several years for this occupation. The rise in job openings will not be caused only due to retirements but also due to employment growth. There is a strong growth in computer systems design services. In this occupation group the retirement rate is very much similar to the national average. This occupation group should be benefited from the strength of investments in public and private infrastructure projects, thus there is an expectation of faster increment of Job creation than an average one.

Among the job – seekers one third must be the school leavers. Many of the job seekers will also come from other occupations as many years of experience is needed for this occupation group. Most of the experienced engineers and computer scientists are applicable for these jobs. This group includes three occupations and while counted individually these all are too small thus they are grouped according to their task. During the projection period, the Information and Data Processing Managers may experience a labour shortage, but not the others.


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