Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Lithuania Temporary Residence Visa - European Union

Some locations in Europe have emerged as major attractions for the investors and business minded people from other parts of the world. The attraction especially is quite inviting for the nationals of non-EU countries intending to experience life in the European Union. Migrating to these countries has several other benefits attached which are offered to the migrants.

Lithuania is one such location in the Europe that is considered to be the highly reckoned destination that has been able to pull the attention of quite a few globe-trotting investors due to the prolific performance its economy has registered over the past few years. The Lithuanian government is all set to put the country on the fast track of development.

The authorities are all prepared to provide every possible policy and statutory support to the businessmen and investors so as to bolster the economic environment of the country. To provide necessary boost to the program, the government has prepared a comprehensive program and is readily inviting foreign investors to enter the country and park their funds in approved venues.

To encourage the investors, The government is also offering Temporary Residence Visa to the interested aliens. Now, who would love to forego an opportunity that enables unimpeded access to European Union and Schengen treaty zone.

This is surely an incredible offer for the non-EU citizens for whom getting admission in the EU is a far cry. Entering the country as Lithuania Temporary resident, the people are able to access the EU region and travel across the length and the breadth of the Schengen treaty zone – as this Baltic state is a full time signatory of the Schengen treaty.

Lithuania is a country that has woken up to the world just 2 decades ago; as it goes on with the task of removing the last remnants of soviet era; and transforming itself from majorly a centrally planned economy into one that envisages establishment of a free market economy that supports and encourage the free market forces to influence the economic environment.

But, this is not all, the Lithuanian government has something up its sleeves; it is, besides adopting a subjective doctrine with a broader perspective at macro level, also making a head way by adopting a more objective approach to make the impact of large scale changes felt at the micro level.

Today, Lithuania stands on verge of making big advances in terms of economic progress – that would be supported by the homegrown resources, as well as bolstered with the help of allowing entry of people on basis of Lithuania Visa. Obtaining this permit is not so complex a process, but you surely need to be prepared and arrange everything in order to smoothen up the procedure.

Obviously one of the best ways of smoothening up your ride to the Lithuanian Temporary Residence Permit - TRV is by approaching some experts having adequate exposure in this region, as well as an impeccable record of successfully assisting immigrant applicants in obtaining the entry permits.

Approaching an expert would not only help you in getting clear elaborations on what you need to compile for submission and how to go ahead with the process, but also experience the speed with which the task can be completed rapidly without any hurdles. The application process for obtaining provisional Residence Visa of Lithuania starts with preparing all necessary documentation – on grounds of commercial activity – required for submission.

But before that, you would need to establish a fresh commercially viable organization or buy out an existing business concern in this Baltic state. The rest of procedure for obtaining the Temporary Lithuania Residence Visa follows up after this.

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Friday, 25 September 2015

Hungary Residency Bond Program 2015

With the changing times, the scenario of business immigration has undergone a drastic transformation. Today, once considered most sought after, elite locations have been joined by new emerging destinations that are out to compete with the erstwhile leading locations. Most of these destinations are in Eastern Europe – parts of former USSR.

One such location, right in the heart of Europe, is Hungary that has caught eye of world’s elite and common investors alike. Most of these globe trotters are looking for the destinations that promise rich return for the investments. These people have the capacity of investing money, but they want least restrictions.

Then, there are those people who, formerly intended to shift to other countries on the basis of their Skill sets, but they ran out of chances due to various reasons; and so now they are seeking entry into such locations that require least investments but deliver more than what these destinations take or demand. For these people also, Hungary is the right country.

To make the things more attractive for the investors – from various backgrounds having different objectives, the Hungarian government has launched Europe’s most lucrative and highly appreciated investment scheme, The Hungary Residency Bond Program. I can compare this program to a wonder genie that offers bonanzas to the subscribers and applicants.

The investment linked Residency Program of Hungary has actually helped raised the status of the country on the world’s investment map. Today, where all other contemporary destinations require heavy investments outlays and overheads, this scheme is available at a meager EUR 360,000 (a little over USD $400,000). But that’s not all as far the investment is concerned; the investment is completely secure and safe, as it is invested into government backed securities.

On top of that, a majority of the investment – EUR 300,000 – is returned to the immigrants investors by the government on after 5 years, i.e. the maturity of the scheme – though the amount returned does not include any interest. Here, you may be wondering, where do the EUR 60,000 go, well that amount constitutes the part of administrative fees which is retained by the government.

But, you are getting a fabulous gift from the Hungarian government in return, the Permanent Residency of Hungary, which you are able to retain even after the return of the money. This scheme, in present context, is the best what business immigration could have asked for, as you simply do not migrate to this former Soviet bloc country, but you actually land right in the middle of EU.

Hungary is a member of European Union – which adds to the attraction of the offer; and the people migrating to this country automatically get an opportunity to reside and work in the European Union. Besides this, this East European country is also a signatory of the Schengen Treaty and by virtue of that the Hungarian PR visa enables you to travel through Schengen treaty zone without needing to obtain special travel permissions of visa.  

By far, Hungary Residency Bond scheme is the best immigration option for the non – EU nationals; as they can migrate to this country with their families and reside their permanently and even earn a chance to gain the nationality of this country. And you know what, this scheme does not have those high-end requirements in terms of investment, age, linguistic skills and education – which are very much a part of other contemporary schemes.

The Hungarian government promises quick disposal of applications received under the Hungary Residency Program. As per the current trends, the processing time of applications for this scheme is 4 weeks.

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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Interested in PR? Apply For Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional)(subclass 188) Visa!

In Australia, you always get the opportunity to mould your career and help it soar to new heights. Well, honestly speaking, this is one of the most promising reasons that most immigrants from across the globe are always more than keen to shift to the nation.

This year, the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Abbot, reportedly, has also undertaken giant reforms even as he has introduced innumerable growth projects that are believed to help the economy run on a new growth trajectory.

But even though with all the endeavors and specialization, there have been some drawbacks that are surfacing on the economy the most predominant of all being the shortage of labor. Well, to no surprise, 30% of the population of Oz has reached the retirement age even as majority of those who fall in the 70% are engaged in education.

Given this, the requirement is not getting fulfilled, and to help bolster growth and undertake speed up economic recovery process, there has been the urgent need of skilled and intellectual labor, rightfully so.

The country has also emerged as a hotspot for business and investment. And it is because of this reason that innumerable enterprising businesses and investors from all over the world are looking forward to this place as a lucrative realm for investment.

At the same time, since Down Under has one of the best education systems and living standards, innumerable people are resorting to it for reaping the best benefits that are waiting to be grasped in the first place.

The AZNSCO or also known as Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation have inducted innumerable options in its Skilled Occupation List (SOL) to help facilitate the movement.

Among the diverse specifications duly listed in the immigration, business investment is one such realm that would allow innumerable immigrants to make sure that they are able to easily not just move but gain Permanent Residency (PR) without facing any hurdle.

Australia Business and Investment Innovation 

Let’s dig deep and find out the subclass 188 provisional investment visa. It is one of the most feasible visa options that you can avail right away to help streamline the movement. The best part about the visa is the timeline it allows to the bearer. So, you can use this visa to stay in the country for a period of 4 years. And once you have reached to the specified limit, you will get the advantage to apply for the PR.

But if you are going for the PR, you have to use Australia Business Innovation and Investment Provisional Subclass 188 Visas to streamline the stay, and make it come alive in real time. There is also an additional extension of two year granted to the immigrant if they are availing the Australia Business Innovation and Investment Provisional Subclass 188 Visas.

The application process of this visa is pretty simple and you will not have to be physically present in the embassy to help reorganize the visa application. You can straightway submit an application through online and get the visa processed rightaway. You can also go for state and territory nomination to help streamline the application.

But it is important that you must fulfill this criterion in the first place.

  • The nomination should happen at the hands of state and territory.
  • Invitation should be through SkillSelect. 
  • You should not be more than 55 years of age, and it should be declared in the first place that you have the possibility of creating maximum benefits in the first place. 
  • You can meet the minimum pass mark level in Business and Innovation Programme.
  • You must also make sure that you have made an investment of AUD $5, 00,000 for 2 years. 
  • You must also have the net personal asset of AUD$ 8, 00,000 for streamlining the stay. So, if you are able to do that, it will help reap maximum benefits in streamlining the movement and making sure that you are able to move without any trouble.

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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) - Canadian Province

Canada does not only attract and invite skilled workers and business oriented people from the different corners of the world through its federal schemes but also through various PNPs hosted by various states. Each of the state backed PNPs have some unique features and requirements that are based on the state specific programs and requirements.

Saskatchewan is one such Canadian state that selects the skilled workers, entrepreneurs and investors based on its state centric policies. The immigration program being run by its government is completely an independent initiative; and is run in close coordination with Citizenship and Immigration Canada – CIC – with CIC only responsible for the final processing of the application it receives from the applicants for the Canada visa.

Saskatchewan is a prairie state of the Canada nestled between Alberta, North West Territories, Manitoba and the US borders. Saskatoon is its capital and it along with Regina – another important city of this state – houses majority of the population of the state. This state has one of the fastest growing economies in Canada – with all major industries making a sizeable contribution to the GDP of the state, like

  • Finance, insurance, real estate, leasing
  • Mining, petroleum
  • Education, health, social services
  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Transportation, communications, utilities
  • Manufacturing 
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting
  • Business services
  • Government services
  • Construction 
  • Other  

Although primarily the state is considered to be an agrarian - with a huge production of grains like wheat; and primary industry dependent economy – with mining following in close due to huge mineral reserves it possesses, its face is changing fast with services and manufacturing sectors taking big strides in performance and contribution to the state’s economic performance.

As it is true for all other states of the country, this province also lacks a regular supply of appropriate skills in its labor pool. And, to cater to the growing requirement of the appropriately trained skilled workers and business expertise, the state government runs its own immigration scheme under the name of Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is considered to be a suitable alternative to the federal scheme; as it invites priority processing; and it does not also have any accepts the applications from interested immigrants under the 4 categories. Each of these schemes has a unique program format.

  • International Skilled Worker Category – this class is meant to cater to those applicants who have an intention of settling down permanently – and making contributions to the productivity of the state’s economy – in the state. The applicants should be having experience in one of the occupations that are required urgently in the state – the list of occupations is decided by the state government. 
  • Experience Category – for applicants already residing and working in the state. The scheme is further bi-furcated into sub-categories as enumerated below: 
  • Existing Work Permit Sub-Class – for people employed in the state; and currently residing since least last six months immediately preceding the date of application; Health Professionals Sub-class — for health specialists working in the state for at least last 6 months; 
  • Hospitality sector – for people currently employed in various establishments as food and beverage servers, food counter attendants, kitchen helpers, or housekeeping and cleaning staff; 
  • Long Haul Truck Drivers Sub-Class — for people currently under employment of an designated trucking concern; and 
  • Students Sub-Class — for students who have earned a graduation from a recognized Canadian post-secondary establishment; and have worked in the state for at least last 6 months.  
  • Entrepreneur and Farm Category – for people willing to infuse their farm management expertise and money in farming enterprise in the state.

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) also accepts the applicants for visa through Express Entry pool.

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Friday, 18 September 2015

Immigration to Lithuania From India

Immigration is a very complicated task and it needs time, money, hard work and attention of the aspirant. A great desire and diligence is required for preparing all the documents of immigration when you apply for visa. An applicant should be able to adapt to the country that he or she has decided to migrate.

Immigration to an overseas nation is not an easy thing to do. You need to have a fixed motive for immigrating to a country without any trouble. However, there are many complex things that you need to do for immigrating to a country like learning foreign language, adapting the culture of the country and many other things.

Immigration to Lithuania has increased in recent years mainly because it is member of European Union. This has made an increase in salaries of the skilled workers and it is estimated that it will soon come at par with the salaries of highly developed economies of the world.

Advantages of immigrating to Lithuania:

  • The nation is centrally located in Europe so it enjoys geographical advantage. 
  • The standard of living in the country is very high, as it has developed economy. 
  • The Baltic state has seaport that helps in import and export of goods that can improve the economy of the country. 
  • The Lithuanian firms can apply for EU structural fund support in times of emergency. 

The immigration law is same for all the members who would like to migrate to any member state and this includes Lithuania. All the nations of Union have similar immigration laws. Lithuania is an amazing place that is strategically located in Europe and it immigrating to this country has many advantages compared to the other countries.

There are many skilled workers in Lithuania who can speak in multiple languages like German, French, Russia and many others. So the investors can have a strong team here and use their skills for enhancement of his business. Also, you may find many developed European banks in the country that ensures banking operations with ease and efficiency.

The transportation facility of the country is developed. This enables you to move safely within and outside the country. Lithuania is known for natural beauty and this attracts many migrants to the country. You may see beaches, lakes, forests and all the places where you can breathe fresh air.

Lithuania Temporary Residence Visa permits the foreign citizens to reside in the country for a fixed time as stated in the document. The country is positioned as one of the developing nations and is considered a favourable nation to do business. You can see free market economy in the country and they practice fair trade.

Immigration to Lithuania permits all the foreign nationals to reside freely anywhere in the country during their specified tenure. It is compulsory for all the migrants to file and obtain entry permission before travelling to Lithuania. All the immigrants can enjoy all the privileges that have been entitled to the residents of the country.

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Lithuania as a New Country of Immigration

The system of immigration to the developed nations like USA, Canada, Uk or New Zealand was always popular, but migrating to the European countries sucha as Lithuania and Latvia is also in popularity. From the past 10 years Lithuania has gain a large number of migrants immigration. The reason behind it is the provided facilities and proper migration managment of the Lithuania government.

The other reason behind getting the Lithuanian popular for temporary residence is the provided numerous of immigration benefits. The social benefits like right to make the votes and enjoy all the facilities like other candidates, traveling benefits and the suitable environmental condition are the reason that made the Lithuania so popular among the migrant.

Lithuania as a new country of immigration involves a complete legal process for migration that is termed as naturalization. In this the proper verification is done that includes the check on criminal records or activities that is termed as unlawful. The migrant also need to have sufficient knowledge of the language and having the valid passport with visa and work permit.

As most of the Lithuania migrants are a new company owner, share holders, business person or investors so, the mentioned are the steps to hold a visa for immigration as a temporary residence:

  • Making a valid sign-in to the contract of the company.
  • Making the authorized signature and notarize the power of attorney so that all the establishment of the company or the activities of purchasing it may be fulfilled easily. 
  • Completing the pay in order to open a new company and purchase the business/company which is running.
  • Make identification and select potential staff and perfect premises with a valid and a legal address.
  • Making the documents such as multiple entry visas and other travel documents fixed so that no problem must be faced. 

Once all the mentioned points are covered than a migrant can easily hold a temporary work or stay permit for Lithuania and immigrate successfully for 1 year. Having a permit is not easy as the migrant must have the valid health insurance and proper contract to work as a business person for not less than 1 year on requirement it can further be extended for 2 more years.

The migration to Lithuania application is processed in 6 months and it can be made by consult to the migration service provider. It is popular to migrate because of the available opportunities and easy available visa to the other top employment opportunities destination like UK, Canada and Australia. A temporary residence is issued for 1 year and the permanent for 5 years.

The available trusted immigration partners and companies provides the complete support to all the applicants who choose to migrate and help in getting visa. They all assist and let the migrant know whole detail about the benefits and the opportunities available like making the purchase of the real estate. Lithuania as a new country of immigration is becoming popular all around the world.

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Thursday, 17 September 2015

Demand for Chartered Accountants in Australia

The professional who holds the degree as a chartered accountant are highly demanded all over the nation. With the changing years demand of Accountants has kept on increasing, although the economy grows down. It involves a vast field that needs professional and complete knowledge in relation to Accounting and taxation, business and Laws, management and auditing etc.

The person who looks forward as a Chartered Accountant career needs to pass the CA examinations and hold a professional specialization degree. The migrant also has to hold a graduation degree. There is no need to have any masters, however, any additional qualification like CS, ICWAI or Law are given more preference. The practical knowledge of working is most essential with English language skill.

The demand for chartered accountants in Australia is high as the requirement is in almost all the sectors, like as finance, taxation, auditing and management. These professionals are recruited in almost all the sectors, public, private and government. It is the most exciting sector of occupation that gives a high pay and standard living option.

According to the immigration rule of ANZSCO 221112 is the unit group for the chartered Accountant immigration to Australia. The migrant as a Chartered Accountant needs to perform the following tasks:

  • They need to check all the vouchers and keep proper audit
  • Check the exact cash flow and make proper management of cash
  • Check the balance sheets and prepare reports
  • Make the financial statements and also make the tax return file
  • Mange the accounting team and keep the records of cash in a proper manner

If you are a successful chartered Accountant and looking forward for some greater opportunities than immigrating to Australia is the best option as several benefits of immigration is provided to the immigrant. If a candidate fulfills the eligibility criteria of immigration, then they can proceed to the first step of immigration that is applying for a visa.

Once an Accountant applies for the visa they need to fill an application form and make all the documents submitted. A proper guidance during submission help in getting the visa selected without any rejection. An accounting working experience is important to be obtained by the candidates if the candidates migrate without experience, then they need to go for on job training to gain experience of working.

Based on the different sections and updated law a chartered accountant has to perform all the tasks actively. Because of high economy and entitled rules of Australian Government the demand of the Chartered Accountants and migration is high. Get migrated to Australia by having a qualified visa by consult of the reliable visa provider.

The increasing work requirement clearly states that the demand for chartered Accountants in Australia is increasing tremendously. A numerous of work responsibilities is given to the chartered Accountant like taking the complete report of auditor and other professional challenging tasks. A statutory audit is very crucial that calculates the real status of an organization and can only be done by an Accountant.

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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Lithuanian Citizenship - Easiest Immigration

With the passage of time Lithuania has earned fame among immigration. Europe is a gateway to the success by immigration to Lithuania as a business person. The stable economy and low cost living with ultimate benefits provided makes the migrants attracted towards Lithuania. The health and education benefit, travelling and right to enjoy a sovereign democratic life like others is provided.

The immigration rules to Lithuania as a permanent or temporary residence allows the migrant to enjoy the safe residency. The migrants enjoy the economy growth, stable environment and actively participate in the investment programs. The foreign non European citizens (not residing in Latvia, Lithuania) make the investment in the international investment program.

If a person is willing to immigrate for the European nation than having a Lithuanian citizenship is easiest immigration process. The immigration as an investment person for the economy of the Lithuania provides the growth and development opportunity. The investment in Business of Lithuania or buying of shares creates the job opportunities.

In order to migrate successfully for Lithuania the mentioned are the basic requirement of the documents:
  • A complete application form is required were all the required details as in bio data is filled.
  • Recent passport sized photos at least two are required
  • Valid passport to get a visa issued
  • Proof that shows that the migrant investor is well established to raise the funds and survive easily in Lithuania even without income
  • Certified insurance of the health, no obstacle by law in respect to any criminal activity performed. 
In most of the cases it is examined that people generally choose to migrate as a temporary residence first as getting a permanent residency visa at once is not easier task. The migration is easy but not possible without taking the support of the migration agent. A valid work permit is issued only when one have a valid visa to migrate as a business or investor.

Those who hold a valid temporary or permanent work visa they may get the immigration visa to Canada, USA, United Kingdom or Australia also easily. The visa for immigration to Lithuania is provided by the migration agent and these consultants also serve as getting the invitation letters sanctioned easily.  Making the necessary documents prepared for immigration.

Once a person gets migration to the desired nation say Lithuania than on immigration they need a support and the migration agents are one who provide complete support after immigration by consulting to the registered company based in Lithuania and help the migrant by providing a place to reside on and explains about the organization and authorities.

It is said that Lithuanian citizenship is easiest immigration process because on immigrating the migrant becomes eligible to migrate as a permanent residence in other country or in Lithuania and enjoy all the benefits. If you are planning for a perfect migration then get in support of the visa provider and discuss about getting valid business immigration to Lithuania as a permanent or temporary residence.

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Immigration to Europe – Lithuania

There is a greater trend of people moving to Lithuania among the CIS countries because it is cheap, easy and the fast way to enter to the European Union. You can then move across the Schengen countries freely and avail all the facilities and services of the country. The most common way to immigrate to Europe is by getting a residence permit.

Temporary residence permit is a document that is issued to foreign citizens who are not citizens of 28 members of the European Union for about one year. The decision on temporary residence permit for the foreign citizens is made by the Migration Department. A person gets permit within 4 months of submission of documents from the institution.

After immigration to Europe - Lithuania, you can get permanent residency permit only after 5 years. Ownership of real estate can help you to get residence permit in Europe. You may either live in that property or give it on rent. This means you can stay there for 1 year without any kind of obstacle.

Always look for consultancy that offers all these migration services:
  • Legal consultation on employment or business of foreign citizens in Lithuania. 
  • Assist in issuance of visa and approval of invitation letter to Lithuania. 
  • Consult on issuance of citizenship in the Republic of Lithuania. 
  • Help in all the documentation work.
In order to work for any company in Lithuania, you may need a work permit. But getting a permit can be very difficult for foreign citizens. However, you may register the company and start your own business in Lithuania without holding any permit or facing any obstacle. This way you can become both the employee and director of the company at the same time.

After 6 months of opening a company in Lithuania only, a person can apply for residence permit. The requirement that needs to be fulfilled for establishing a company is 29,000-euro share capital and employing 3 Lithuanian citizens who have permanent residency permit. Only after this can a foreigner get residence permit in Lithuania.

Your wife or business partner can become the shareholder of the company and get a residence permit as well. If your child is less than 18 years old then he or she can come along with you and your wife assumes residence permit automatically. The process for business immigration is very simple and it does not need huge investments.

Immigrating to Europe has many advantages like travelling freely within Schengen without any visa or limitation of time to stay, accessing the large and developed market, availability of free economic zone, right to purchase real estate, obtain visas to some developed countries very easily, favourable environmental condition and many others.

Immigration to Europe – Lithuania is increasing year after year due to the immense opportunity that the country provides and the easy rules and regulations for immigration. However, you should avoid getting trapped by fake consultants to get immigrated because they cause loss of money and time and do no good to you.

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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Lithuania Population Increasing by Lithuania Immigration

Lithuania has become as one of the largest destination of the Europe among the Business investors. By the resolution a number of peoples migrated to Lithuania and United States helped the most in migration. The peoples who migrate enjoy the classy cuisine, traditional cultural dresses, holidays, health benefit, and benefits to the migrant family.

The temporary and permanent residence is two different kind of immigration permit for Lithuania that is issued to the non – European citizen. The migrant can be married or unmarried and if the immigrant holds the valid share of any company (Lithuania) than they can take the spouse and children for migration to Lithuania successfully.

Lithuania was a land of agriculture and was not so developed but by immigration and investment of the business persons from outside the nation it has become so popular. It is also found that the Lithuania population, increasing by Lithuania Immigration. The other reason behind increase in immigration is the business opportunities, benefits and easy opportunity to get visa for Canada, Australia and more.

Some of the reasons why Lithuania population is kept on increasing by migration are listed below that makes an overview that the benefits provided by Lithuania on immigration are high:

  • The large developed business market and environment of the Europe gives opportunity to earn large amount.
  • The stable and lawful legislation 
  • The free economic are with a complete right to enjoy all the freedoms like other Schengen citizen.
  • The right to purchase property in form of real estate.
  • The easy ability to hold visas for the countries like United State of America, Canada, The United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia.
  • The right to travel all across the European country freely without holding visa and get the social benefits such as the right to vote and more.
  • The favorable environmental structure of the Lithuania.

The easy migration rules are also a reason behind the immigration increase. For migration the migrant have to issue the application residence permits that is first step to have a visa. The migration service providers help in filling the application. Once the application gets passed than the migrant gets lawful permit and all the visas as per the need say temporary or permanent visa that is made for specific time.

The processing time for having an application verified is 6 months; there is no right to a non European citizen to stay in Lithuania without having a valid visa. Once a visa is issued than they become eligible to travel anywhere in the European country. The time period for issue of the permanent residence visa is 5 years and one year for the temporary one.

Lithuania population, increasing by Lithuania Immigration has raised the value of Lithuania. More number of peoples who are looking forward for business and investment USA or UK. The role of a migration agent to it is also very crucial as they provide complete guidance to complete the application, get visa, and know about benefits of revolution and possibilities of growth.

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Lithuanians Temporary Resident Permit

Lithuanian the Schengen country is gaining popularity for migration and peoples are coming as professionals and business persons to live as a temporary or permanent resident. The experienced immigration agents help in making all the required documents ready. Many people migrate to start a business.

The main reason behind Lithuanian migration is the provided benefits. The migrant gets a visa to migrate for one year and that can be extended to two more years. There is no liability to pay the tax and if a migrant owns a company or shares than the spouse and children become eligible to migrate. The Permanent residency can be acquired easily by holding five years of valid temporary residence.

Lithuanians temporary resident permit is a valid document that is issued for a specific period of time. For migration the immigrant has to select a place to stay as a temporary residence and for it a valid identification code is issued. It is a permit which is provided on demand to the person who is non European citizen.

For a valid immigration as a temporary Lithuanians resident the following essentials are required:

  • An application with complete documents for the permit as a temporary residence 
  • Proper valid travelling visa and passport
  • Proof to show that migrant is capable for regular income and survive
  • Health insurance document and photography.

The time duration to hold a Lithuanian temporary resident visa is 4 months as minimum. The migration to Lithuanian is simplest by migrating as a business person. The best part is for immigration to Lithuanian as a business person is that it does not need a large amount for investment. The person who chooses to stay in Lithuanian gets bounded to all the lawful activities.

The other idea to obtain a valid temporary residency permit is the migrant must be a member of the company located in Lithuanian. The non European citizens who need to have a valid temporary residence are found as having interest in holding the equity of the companies. If a permit for long term is provided for residence then the certification is made for five years.

The immigration to Lithuania as a permanent residence evolves many advantages some of the advantages are like the migrant gets free permit to travel all across the Schenzen area without having a visa and there is no time limit to stay. They also become free to work and enjoy the stable legislation environment with the free economic zone.

Once a person chooses to migrate they become eligible to purchase a real estate property in Lithuanian and have complete accessibility to the free economic area of the country. Getting a visa for other countries like UK, Canada, Australia and USA becomes easier by holding a temporary residence visa to Lithuanian.

Lithuanians temporary resident permit can easily be hold by the consult of the migration agents. By the provided benefits the immigration to Lithuanian is very beneficial from all the aspect. The more number of peoples who look to have a business and have more earning profit migrate to Lithuanian as a permanent or temporary residence.

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What Are Top Benefits of Canada Immigration?

Immigrating to the ‘Land of Milk and Honey’ gives an open opportunity to those who simply wish to enjoy every moment of their life, via simply grabbing the many of opportunities to prosper. The North American Country is vibrant and it has a strong economy. Due to enormous well-paying employment opportunities, and a more than developed and balanced quality lifestyle, the Maple Leaf Country is today arguably the best immigration destination for immigrants who wish to live and work abroad.

Relocating to the highly developed immigration hotspot means high standard of living, endless career opportunities, world-class healthcare facilities, and economic prosperity for immigrants and their family members. Due to large number of presence of immigrants, the nation is often referred to as ‘immigrants’ paradise’ even as it is time and again said that it is built by immigrants.

If you are thinking of Canada immigration, then certainly you are on the right path. The reason: the nation proffers much more than one can even think of. As compared with the land size of the country, its population is less. It means one gets to enjoy more social and economical benefits. The government welcomes guests with open arms, and the contribution of foreign professionals towards the development of the economy is commendable.

Top Benefits of Canada Immigration

Now let’s talk about the many benefits of immigration to Canada in detail! There are many top benefits of Canada Immigration.
  • The country proffers an open opportunity to live and work anywhere inside its geographical boundaries.
  • Permanent residents may sponsor their family members and close relatives.
  • The Canadian Government offers excellent and highly useful economical and financial support to the needy.
  • The expense of higher studies in the country is rather reasonable. It means the students, keen to study abroad; do not have to bleed through their nose. They can seek and get first-rate educational facilities and enroll for some of the finest and the most relevant study courses without making a hole in their purse. 
  • Once you have lived and worked in the country for a period of three years you are eligible to submit an application for—well, you guessed it right—the prized Canadian citizenship.
  • You get an open choice of easy-to-follow visa programmes.
  • Canadian passport holders may travel visa-free to various immigration destinations.
  • The country has a growing market for job seekers. Trained people can look for and obtain the job of their choice here.
  • Immigrants tend to enjoy the similar rights as per its citizens.
As one can see, the top benefits of Canada Immigration are many. Now, let’s have a look on country’s immigration pathways!

If you wish to acquire temporary work permit you may apply for:-
  • Visitor visa 
  • Student visa 
  • Live in caregiver visa 
  • Work permit 
  • Sponsoring spouse and children visa (dependent)
If you wish to acquire Permanent Residence (PR) you may apply for:
  • Self employed visa 
  • Independent Class/skilled calls or professional class 
If you are a skilled worker, then you may choose one of the following paths:
  • Express Entry system 
  • Quebec Skilled worker programme (QSWP)
  • Provincial Nomination Programme (PNP) 
The Maple Leaf Country is a non-conflict country and is politically stable. It shares bilateral relations with all of its neighbours. Immigrants get an easy opportunity to have an international experience and they can easily travel to its neighboring countries. The country is peaceful in nature and it welcomes citizens from every corner of the world even as discrimination is considered unethical and is a legal offence.

The assurance is once you have successfully immigrated to the ‘Immigrant’s Paradise’, you will find no reason to regret it. And you will never like to leave the country again. Yes, it is a fact! So what are you waiting for? Canada calls you.

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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Australia Immigration PR Visa Process

Imagine that your dream mission of migrating Down Under is about to come true. Well, would you be wondering or just dreaming? Well, I do not presume anything, but the fact is that after all, the struggle people – trying to gain entry into this southern hemisphere country – have to undergo is unexplainable and incomparable of sorts. It simply happens that when they achieve the status and entry permit stamps on their passports, the feeling is just out of this world.

Australia has been an object of desire and fascinating dream for many migration enthusiasts who think that only this country can help them in achieving their objectives. Down Under is blessed with many things that can be easily termed as positive and progressive. A society that is highly urbanized and westernized, a country that enjoys a rich racial mix – that offers an unprecedented safety to the inhabitants who hail from various parts of the world.

On top of that, Australia has a growing economy; that has been on registering a steady growth over past many years which is consistently churning out outstanding performances in almost every sector. The consistent growth has expanded the scope for employment, commercial activities and investments in every region and industry.

The prolific performance and generous openings and venues have always encouraged the investors, businessmen and the skilled workers to look forward to moving to this country through Australia Immigration Visa. An entry permit into this country can expose them to an unprecedented plethora of openings waiting to be explored and exploited.

Believe it or not, the people  who have already shifted to this country, after bearing the pangs of initial struggle, have settled down pretty well and are leading a life that may fetch envy back home among the inhabitants – in your country of origin. The prospects of stable and continuous growth are guaranteed as the successive governments have worked in the direction of laying the best proactive policies – that have greatly helped in and influenced the development of the Aussie economy.

The continuous growth at an unprecedented rate has also encouraged the Aussie government to lay at the disposal of the inhabitants – nationals and permanent residents - the spoils of prosperity in form of social grants and other sundry facilities like free education and health support, etc. These sops are greatly sought by the new entrants who find it strange to be assisted by the government of any country.

All these privileges and benefits can be availed by the people on being granted the Australia PR Visa. This status can be obtained by a variety of ways; by applying for and obtaining a permanent residence under business or skilled migration program being run under and offered to qualifying and interested candidates through federal program; state based initiatives; and employment based schemes.

The Australia PR Visa schemes are classified as following:

  • Federal skilled migration scheme
    o Section 189 – independent – this scheme is offered to the people who do not have any nomination endorsement from any state, territory or employer. The criteria for selection in this category is based on merit – the higher the marks in pool the better the chance of being short listed; 
  • State  skilled and business migration
    o Section 190 – state based skills migration scheme.  Although attaining a minimum score of 60 is mandatory in SkillSelect pool, selections completely rely on state based requirements;
    o Section 132 – state based business and investment scheme. This scheme is a direct entry for net-worth immigrants with substantial exposure in business and investments. 

Australia Immigration PR Visa Process also offers direct permanent entry through employment based schemes – sections 186 and 187.
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Business And Investors Programs in Australia

Down Under is a haven for the people involved in business activities; as the Australian government promises appropriate statutory support to the people doing business and making investments. This aspect has also attracted the people from overseas having intentions of entering this southern hemisphere country and involving themselves in commercial activities.

Immigrant businessmen and investing individuals have in a way brought immense success for the Australian economy; as the people entering the country and establishing their own ventures have not only boosted the economic activity in the country by investing their business expertise and funds but also brought along their much valuable contacts and networks. This may seem to be an irrelevant thing, but it has helped Aussie economy to establish itself firmly on the global map of Business economy.

Australian government, in order to reap rich benefits from entry of entrepreneurs and individuals intending to bring in investments Into Australia, has launched several attractive initiatives under Business and Investors Programs. These schemes have been designed with lucrative terms and conditions that offer multiple benefits to the applicants applying for and gaining entry into the country on the basis of their expertise and investible funds.

The Australian Business and Investors Programs have been clubbed under the state sponsorship scheme; these schemes are run and managed by the government of 6 Australian states and two major mainland Aussie territories, namely:

  • New South Wales (NSW); 
  • Queensland (QLD); 
  • South Australia (SA);
  • Tasmania (TAS);
  • Victoria (VIC); 
  • Western Australia (WA);
  • The Australian Capital Territory (ACT); and 
  • The Northern Territory (NT)

These states and territories run and manage their own individual schemes and select the applicants from the SkillSelect pool as per their choice and convenience. The applicants, on other hand, must create and submit their individual EOIs on SkillSelect and indicate the states or the territories which they would love to be chosen by. The Australia Business and investment scheme has been divided into following two major categories:

  • Permanent residence – direct entry; and 
  • Temporary residence.

The direct entry – entrepreneur and Investors Program better known as Business Talent scheme – leads to grant of permanent residence visa under section 132 – business talent. This scheme has been exclusively designed to target individuals with high net worth and significant business and investment exposure. These applicants are expected to be aged below 55 years; have an investment in multitude of AUD 400,000 in designated investments – sustained for at least two years in previous 4 year period immediately before placement of EOI – to their credit.

The temporary business and investment entry permit – Business and Investor Program better known as Business Innovation and Investment – allows the immigrants to work and reside in the country for a period up to 4 years. This permit as names suggests, is a temporary arrangement, but allows the permit holders to apply for and obtain permanent residence – through subclass 888 – in the country after successful attainment of the stay under the allotted category.

The subclass 188 , Business And Investors Programs in Australia, has been further bi-furcated into 4 classes; these classes – target  distinct categories of applicants – are named as following:

  • Business Innovation stream – this scheme intends to invite immigrants intending to set-up and run their own commercial enterprises in the country; 
  • Investor stream – the scheme targets the people planning to made a qualified infusion of funds in tune of AUD1.5million in an Australian state or territory and sustain their activity in Australia;  
  • Significant Investor stream – targets immigrants intending to infuse funds in tune of AUD5million into qualifying venues; 
  • Premium Investor stream – for immigrants with a plan of parking funds in tune of AUD15million into approved venues.

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Friday, 4 September 2015

Are You Overseas Immigration Motivated Computer Programmer? Get PR Visa Services!

Are you a skilled Computer Programmer and keen to migrate abroad but not sure which country will value your professional expertise the most? If your answer is ‘yes’, why not choose Canada or Australia the two most developed global economies?

Frankly speaking, it is a pretty exciting industry with positive future prospects. Today, Internet has become a necessity even while each day more and more people are gradually associating themselves with the modern technology. Simultaneously, the demand of trained Computer Programmers is also increasing and hitting the roof.

To meet with the growing demand both the ‘Land of Kangaroos’ and the ‘Maple Leaf Country’ (Australia and Canada respectively) require a large number of qualified Computer Programmers. And when it is just not possible to fill the vacant position internally, using the local resources, the position is outsourced. Hence, foreign trained Computer Programmers are recruited instantly. Some trade insiders believe that by the end of 2022, the number of Computer Programmers required in these countries will double.

Against this backdrop, if either Canada or Australia attracts you, and you wish to submit an application for PR Visa, then you will be happy to know that today Computer Programmers get PR visa services especially designed to meet with their demand and help them successfully migrate to their dream destination.

When we plan to relocate abroad one thing that constantly bothers us is the rigorous and time-consuming visa application process that every applicant has to undergo. But gone are such days. Yes, it is fact! Today, you will find many quality immigration consultancy firms proffering their services to help you get PR Visa, with Abhinav Outsourcings Pvt. Ltd. being one such name.

These firms have several years of domain experience behind them; have branch offices across the country with head office mainly in Mumbai or New Delhi. They have experienced staff handling their various departments. The recruited staff is well trained and experienced to cater to the individual needs and give individual attention to each client.

Coming back to Abhinav, it is an incredibly respected name led by the industry veteran Mr. Ajay Sharma. Brought into existence more than two decades back, Abhinav till date has helped and guided many aspirants get PR Visa of these and several other immigration hotspots.

Now let’s have a look of the benefits Computer Programmers get once they avail PR Visa Services!

  • They provide effective assistance, and ease the mental and social pressure.
  • They are the proven masters of their field, and know well how to look after the legal and lengthy immigration process with efficiency. 
  • Their main principle is Honesty, Transparency and Credibility.
  • They have a proven successful track record.
  • They take the complete responsibility of representing their client.
  • Considering the need of PR Visa they develop a comprehensive podium for candidates.
  • Many of them are registered and certified to offer their services.
  • They make the whole immigration process as smooth as possible.

What options are available for Computer Programmers to get a PR visa for countries like Canada or Australia?

If you intend to move to the ‘Land of Kangaroos’, you will have to deal with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), and you may get a PR visa through family migration stream, skilled migration stream or employer sponsored migration stream. And if you have an eye for the country ‘Milk and Honey’, then you will have to deal with the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). And you may get a PR Visa under following streams, namely, family unification, and job offer from a Canadian Employer or skill programs.

Visa application process for both the countries is lengthy and complicated and even if you are processing your visa application via an immigration expert you will have to be rather patience.

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Thursday, 3 September 2015

Are You Overseas Motivated Electrical Engineer? Get PR Visa Services!

If you are a skilled Electrical Engineer and wish to relocate abroad with the hope of better future prospects then Canada or Australia can be good options. As per some reports, both the leading destinations are recruiting foreign trained Electrical Engineers even as a large number of these professionals have already migrated to these and other countries and are now happily settled.

An Electrical Engineer is basically one who designs and develops new electrical equipment, tests the equipment and solves the occurring problems. They are the master of all types of electrical devices--from small pocket devices to computers. They know it all. Therefore, with the introduction of new equipment every day the demand of Electrical Engineers all increases.

Though many such professionals think of submitting a visa application to acquire Permanent Residence (PR), the tedious immigration process breaks their morale.  But gone are the days when they had to run from pillar to post to successfully submit their application.

Today, Electrical Engineers get PR Visa Services are at their convenience and help them live their immigration dreams. The last two decades have seen many immigration firms growing within the industry and today there are many well-known and trusted names providing assistance to acquire PR Visa.

Abhinav Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. is one well-known and trusted name in the field. The group has developed a niche and provides thorough assistance to candidates while going through the PR visa application processing.

Coming back to Electrical Engineers, they can easily get PR Visa Services but it is advised to consult service providers only once you have conducted a small research on them and you satisfied yourself well.

Now, let’s know about some of the responsibilities taken by such professionals.

  • Firstly, an expert conducts an in-depth communication session with the candidate in order to have a detail understanding of the latter’s profile.
  • Secondly, they will assess your skills on the basis of various interpersonal and professional factors.
  • Thirdly, they will ask for all the required documents along with medical healthcare documents. 
  • Last but not the least; once your visa application is submitted successfully, they help you prepare for interpersonal interview with the consulate at the embassy. Their responsibility does not end over here once you get a visa, and they will help you file the documents that will be required at the time of arrival at the airport. 

Remember: a good consultant is one who maintains 100% transparency while processing the application and will double check the attested documents before finally submitting at the embassy.

Now some of the easy to avail options for the Land of Kangaroos and the Maple Leaf Country!

Australia: Electrical Engineers can apply for Skilled Regional Visa (subclass 887), General Skilled Migration (Skill Select), and the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) and Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189).

Canada: For the Maple Leaf, Country Electrical Engineers can get PR visa through the Express Entry System. It is a system that selects eligible candidates using the various economic programmes and Provincial Nomination Programmes.

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Mechanical Engineers PR Immigration Visa

Engineers of any stream are required when the task requires specific skills or experience. Therefore, mechanical engineers are always in demand all across the world. Australia being one of the ten largest countries across the globe with low population density always welcomes skilled immigrants. Country is known for being one of the most preferred places for the skilled people who wants a better lifestyle. Applicants are also happy with its transparent and smooth immigration policies. Here in this article we will discuss about how mechanical engineers can get PR immigration visa for Australia.

Why would Mechanical Engineers want PR immigration Visa to Australia?

PR stands for permanent residency. Here are the reasons that make it so lucrative:
  • PR visa gives the visa holder right to live indefinitely in the country with some requirements
  • It opens the gateway for few education loans
  • After two years of PR visa approval the person will enjoy all the social security benefits
  • It offers free or subsidized Healthcare plan
  • A PR holder can easily apply for Australian citizenship and if conditions are met then get one too
  • Children taking birth in the country of a permanent resident will directly get Australian citizenship
  • Permanent resident of Australia gets almost all the benefits similar to the citizen of the country
Lists under which mechanical engineer can find a spot
  • The consolidated Sponsored Occupations List
  • The labour Market Testing Required for 457 List
  • The RSMS Occupations List
  • The skilled Occupations List
An engineer is expected to be responsible for planning, designing, scheming, and supervising the assembly, maintenance and operation of a plant or system. Here are the categories under which one can apply –
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)
  • General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program
  • Permanent Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
  • Skilled Independent Migrant Visa (sub-category 175)
  • Skilled Sponsored Migrant Visa (sub-category 176)
  • Skilled Sponsored Residence Visa (sub-category 886)
One can easily find a good immigration visa consultant in different metro cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc. Australian immigration consultants need to be registered with MARA - Migration Agents Registration Authority in order to legally provide assistance to anyone for any sort of visa. All the categories mentioned above have different procedure and process for visa approval. One can easily check by asking for the registration or directly confirm with the relevant authority.

Why get an immigration agent?

The process of immigration requires a person with attention for details and patience. If you feel that you can easily work on it by yourself, take out time, read all the detailed documents and understand the procedure without feeling irate then you should go ahead by yourself. However, if you feel that it will be too much for you to handle then hire an experienced Australian immigration consultant.

A good consultant can help you in saving time, effort and money as well. You don’t want to make silly mistakes in your form and redo then again or miss any good opportunity. A good immigration consultant can help you from the beginning till end.

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Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Outsourcing, Immigration, International Business Consultancy Services from New Delhi

Immigrating to some other country can be very tricky as it involves lengthy process. It is important to plan the whole immigration application process in the best way and consult an expert migration consultant especially if you want to finish it off as fast as possible. It is important to make the best decision and understand all the aspects in the best way.

If you make any blunder, it would cost lots of money as the processing fees that go in waste if your application gets delayed or rejected. There are many big immigration operators in the market and most of them claim to be the best in their work. Therefore, before selecting any consultancy it is important to ensure that they provide fast service.

Outsourcing, Immigration, International Business Consultancy Services from New Delhi covers application of visa for the skilled, student, business, investors or state sponsored. They help you to move to any popular region of the world like Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and many others. They provide a personalised assistance to their clients.

The consultants aid the people who want to travel to another country on the following basis:

  • Skill or business immigration
  • Travel to visit any relative or for any tour. 
  • Pursue higher studies in any reputed foreign university.
  • Companies that are relocating their employees. 

A consultant deals with all the issues of assessment and gets maximum points, permit for work, Green card and documentation for easy immigration. They advice their clients taking their qualification, permanent residency and visa into consideration. They study each case carefully and offer it to the immigration authority in such a way that all the plus points of applicant gets highlighted.

The immigration service enables the clients to process the immigration application in the most appropriate way. They keep on tracking the process for the international graduates who have experience in their country and the temporary foreign workers. It is always advisable to consult a consultant for making your dream come true.

Make sure to hire a highly professional and dependable visa consultant if you want to travel across the country with any objective. An expert consultant can help you to complete all the legal work for immigration and increases your efficiency. They act as a business brokerage and act as a link between two different parties – the one who want to sell their business and the one who wants to do business in a foreign country.

The outsourcing or immigration consultant is always equipped with the latest resources and they can help in churning out some exceptional performance with the assistance to the clients. It is important to ensure that the consultant that you hire is a professional one and does commit any error.

Nowadays, Immigration and visa has become very tricky job and it is important to have expertise in the entry level of processing application otherwise the time taken to immigrate can become very lengthy. Browse through the internet to find the most reliable and reputed visa consultant.

So select the best Outsourcing, Immigration, International Business Consultancy Services from New Delhi according to different categories like Skill Select, Residency Bond Program, Express Entry, Business Immigration, etc.

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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

The PNPs being hosted by various states and territories of Canada portray the multitude of interest Canadians have in the inwards migration of the qualified people from other parts of the world. The inwards migration has been a constant source of inspiration for various sectors, industries, regions, communities and the life as a whole.

The skills, exposure, work culture and connections immigrants carry with them has always enriched every walk of Canadian life. Besides this, immigrants have also played pivotal role in taking the country to where it stands today – at the heights of economic success and prosperity; and giving it competitive edge, especially economies of states like Alberta owe lot to contributions of the skilled and business migrants.

Alberta has grown into a very prosperous state of the country as its economy has grown into being the strongest in the terms of per capita GDP – which exceeds per capita averages of all other Canadian states, USA and even countries like Norway. Its economy primarily banks on petroleum sector closely followed by technology and agriculture.

The authorities of the state are deeply committed to sustaining the growth patterns, and to do this, they are fully prepared to do anything possible to maintain the momentum. The state government knows that without a proper supply of suitable human resources, nothing can work properly, and  as the local populace does not have appropriate numbers to cater to the local labor requirements, it invites and selects the immigrants through its independently run Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.

AINP of Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is wholly influenced by the state specific requirements. To give it a more practical shape and expand its scope the authorities have classified the scheme primarily into three categories:
  • Selecting applicants in certain critical trades - Strategic Recruitment Stream;
  • Employment based class - Employer Driver Stream 
  • Self-Employed Farmers - Self-Employed Farmer Stream. 
The AINP relies on a dual principle system; it enables the government to attract personnel from other parts of the world; and retain whatever strength of qualified and suitable Immigrant workforce in present in various parts of the province. The state government selects the candidates and their families for nomination – for permanent residence of the country – and issues them endorsement letters which are attached to the CIC application kits.

The application for immigrating to the country must be submitted to the CIC by the immigrants. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program selects applicants for both skilled and semi-skilled categories, under which, the requests for permanent residence can be filed either with the help of the employment giving agency or independently.

The applicants vying for a place in the strategic recruitment stream must fall under either of the three listed classes:
  • Compulsory and Optional Trades class – this class is designed to enable people already residing in the state and hold a trade approval in a compulsory or optional trade in Alberta – endorsed and controlled by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT).
  • Engineering Occupations Category – this category is meant to assist those skilled workers who are qualified engineers – working in specific engineering trades – and are already in the state on provisional work permit.  
  • Post-Graduate Worker Category – this class targets the immigrants – have a post-graduation from a designate Alberta base varsity; and are already residing and working in the state – with Post-Graduation Work visa. 
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program also entertains requests from skilled migrants – working in occupations listed in NOC 0, A, B – having permanent job offers from state based employers. This category is bi-furcated into three parts:
  • Skilled Worker 
  • International Graduate 
  • Semi-Skilled Worker 
Experienced farmers can also migrate permanently though Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.

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